Upper control arms ($161.18/shipped-ebay)

american companies are few and far between we should all try our best to buy from them to try to keep them here along with the few american jobs we have left. i know what its like to travel the country for work im a union carpenter and your rite the unions arent what they were its sad when i go to a tool room on a job to get a tool and they hand me some cheap jap junk these are union companies that are getting this stuff.i know im getting off the subject so as for the control arms your factory arms are much better than anything made today its not hard to change the ball joints you can buy a used snap on ball joint socket on ebay for about $20-$25. bucks and there made in the u s a and the bushings can be replaced with a shop vice a hammer and a piece of pipe im sure you arready have that lying around in your garage and you get the enjoyment of doing it yourself and it gives you something to do while your unemployed.