How would you guys go about this?

I bought a pair of goggles at the local Yamaha dealer and drove my 67 Coronet convertible with no windshield, but it was only about 8 miles at no more than 35 MPH. I did have the top down, but for a coupe the headliner would certainly be a worry. I might also be concerned about blowing out the back glass at highway speed (even with all the side windows down.
You would need ear protection as well. At 35 MPH there was alot more wind noise than I expected.
You would have thought a bright red convertible with no windshield, with an idiot driver wearing bright blue googles, would have attracted alot of attention. But I didn't see any other drivers looking my way, even as I sat at a traffic light surrounded by other cars.
I think everyone was afraid to be caught looking at the strange guy driving with googles.