Car Show Tips??

Tip's ....Clean, Clean, Clean. not all cluttered up with stuff .... but a clean look.
I have never worried about what the Judges or anyone else thinks of my car ...... some people like it, some pick it apart, some think its down right ugly, I like my car for me.
You can get into some big money trying to be a number one car, and spend a lot of time just keeping it that way. I go to shows but I really don't bother with the judged part ...Cruz-in's are a lot more relaxing. And if it isn't a number one car and does rain, you don't go nuts and call in a trailer to come get you ....ya i have seen ....Anyway rain will wash the dirt out of the cracks ... hummm I have heard that some where before.

Hey John

Driving in the rain....that's how we roll brother.