I am sick of being sick

Give her some "Red Foreman" Foot in the *** treatment...

Seriously, don't put up with it. When she starts to go off, either kick her out, or you leave. Tell her you refuse to be treated that way. Come back later when you both have had a chance to cool down.

You are the parent and have to set the limits. If not, she will keep going farther and farther until you put your foot down. She will push you as far as you let her. Figure out how much you will tolerate and then draw the line. Refuse to be treated like that and then ENFORCE IT. Tell her, "I will not put up with this" and walk away. Shut her out and ignore her. Sooner or later she will need something from you (most likely money for gas or to eat). Then remind her how she treated you last and not give it to her until she aploligizes. Tell her, "If you are going to treat me like that, you are on your own, leave me alone." Point out that "you treat me nice only when you need something from me..." After doing this a few times, she will hopefully get the point and come around and apologize.