Whats everyone running for gears?

3.91's with a 26.8 tire isn't bad at all around town, it does 45-50 mph happy and smooth. I use 2nd gear going up to 20 mph and shift in to 3rd around 30 mph part throttle. 1st gear is a screamer making turns from a stop. You want a motor that is happy shifting at 6,000 rpm's plus or it might drive better with a 3.55 gear.

70--75 mph for long hourly drives is the bummer. Its a waste of fuel, slow it down to 60 mph and all is better--expect your a traffic hazard in heavy traffic as everybody else wants to zip past you "sitting on the highway".

If it ever gets 3.23 again it be so it can go happily on long 300 mile trips--like to cool,fun Indy