more slant problems

Nope, it's not a float problem. That would show up at high RPM's first or going around a sharp corner. If it runs better with the choke on, it's running too lean. That could be a vacuum leak or a partially plugged idle fuel circuit. I've also seen faulty gaskets that blocked (or opened) a circuit causing a flow problem too but it's pretty rare and I haven't seen that with a 1920. Most of their problems (other than the chronic fuel bowl cover leaks) are in the metering block. You say you have no vacuum leaks.....have you checked what the manifold vacuum reading is?

I think I have solved my float bowl cover leak. What I did is I went to ace and bough a couple of inner hex head screws, I call them set screws, and locking washer. I was able to tighten it down with a little more torque then a screw driver. Don't know if you want to try this but it seemed worth it to me.