Mopar vs Rice

New to the site, love it soo far, saw the section and had to post!

Okay, so I was at our local Albertsons picking up some free pots and pans for mothers day. Because Im only 16, my paychecks are barely enough to keep my dart on the road. I was taking advantage of there free pot n pan deal, when I saw my friend frank in there. Franks dad has 1 of 6 1971 Mr. Norm Superbees (440 six pack). Frank too has a Dart, but 67, not 69. Him and I are the only kids in our school with muscle cars, regardless of make. We our in our own league besides ricers and lifted trucks. He was begging me to do a burnout which I refused to do (7.25 rear end=break easy). As I was leaving he was following behind me in his dads S-10. Its a four banger and he knows hes got no cahnce in a race, but for fun was revving his engine. As we were leaving the parking lot, we came to the light. The right lane went straight, our you could turn right, and the two left lanes turned left. I was goingto the left and Frank was going straight. I was in the middle lane, and Frank was over there in the right lane revin his lil four banger, so I started revin my engine. All the sudden, in the middle of frank and I revving our engines, a lil balck Jetta pulls up, with a high performance fire extinguisher on his passenger side collumn, revvin his engine. The fire extinguisher caught my eye, so I looked over, and this prick from school who was talkin sh*t earlier THE SAME DAY, was smiling.. I smiled back, put it in gear and eeked forward a lil bit. He smashed the gas.. then the brake and jumped forward to a stop. I busted out laughin, looked over at frank who was laughin, and frank said "kick his ***!". Both the Jetta guy (mike i later found out), were both looking intently at the cross traffic light for it to go red. We then watched our light, and as soon as it changed, we were off. We took off, but, i had to slow down right away to make the turn without sliding into the curb. The jetta took its advantage here and pulled away a bit. Once we straightend out, I cruised on past him. You shouldve herd the rpm he was hittin before he was shiftin! This was my first win, ever, considering we both knew we were racing. I cant wait to get my car back toegether for school next year!