I'm starting an after school auto program for middle school students...any ideas?

You guys are awesome...
Little more background on the class and me.
I am a 15 year veteran teacher, so I know all about the middle school mentality. The program is part of a larger after school program and unfortunately will not be "hands-on" in a shop. It will be discussion and computer/internet based.
The school is very poor economically in Northwest Lower Michigan and we have a large drop out rate. The purpose of the larger program is to encourage students to complete homework, stay in school, make better decisions, etc. My role in all of this is to create a program that appeals to middle school boys and around here, they are all about things mechanical. Fortunately, interest is pretty high in the program and I am already surprised at the knowledge the students have.
Thanks again...any other suggestions, ideas, etc is greatly appreciated!
Mostly middle school boys, no hands-on shop available, That better be one heck of a computer program or they'll be bored out of their minds.......