68 how do you keep the parking lights on with the headlights

I love it when some "Dude" that manages to wire in a light bulb argues with Dan, an automotive lighting engineer. Cracks me up every-time.

It's equal parts amusing and annoying, from this end. I just got back from the International Symposium on Automotive Lighting in Frankfurt. Some seriously cool stuff is in the works, including headlamps that use lasers(!) as the light source. On the subject of automotive lighting, I have to know what I'm talking about, otherwise I'm out of a job in a hurry. But there will always be those who want to argue, usually for one or more of the following reasons:

• They mistakenly think they understand something they saw/heard/read — an advertisement or an internet forum discussion or something like that.

• They want their advice to be taken because it makes them feel authoritative and important.

• They spent a whack of money, time, and/or effort on doing something a certain way and they don't know enough to understand what's wrong with it, but they're bound and determined to feel good about their investment (the Slick-50 effect: "Of course it runs better and gets better mileage; I just spent $49.95 on a bottle of Slick-50!").

• They resent the guy who always seems to give the answer that turns out to be right (this is a real sticky one…if you make a habit of keeping yer mouth shut unless you actually, really know the answer, you get simultaneous reputations as a go-to guy and as a know-it-all).

• Sour grapes: they got caught out giving bad advice and now have a permanent hate-on for the guy whose answer actually worked in that totally trivial case a long time ago, so now they follow 'im around bіtching and moaning about 'im and trying to find something to pounce on in one of his posts.