Mopar vs Rice

It's all about power to weight ratio and available traction, take a little Catheram 7 'superlight' the thing goes about 1100lbs and has a few hundred HP, serious traction- the result is a car that would make a viper look like a UPS truck!
When I first got the Skyline here I was out driving it and it started to rain heavily and I sat at a stop light in a big puddle and dumped the clutch and mashed the gas hard- the damned thing lept off up the road in a prefect straight line, no wheelspin , nothing.
If I'd tried that in my old cuda I'd have bounched off phone pole down the street. I love muscle cars but I also love going around corners and stopping quickly.
Project Skycuda will hopefully be the marriage of BOTH forms of hot rodding!
More to follow.