68 how do you keep the parking lights on with the headlights

I love it when some "Dude" that manages to wire in a light bulb argues with Dan, an automotive lighting engineer.

Cracks me up every-time.

It's equal parts amusing and annoying, from this end. I just got back from the International Symposium on Automotive Lighting in Frankfurt. Some seriously cool stuff is in the works, including headlamps that use lasers(!) as the light source. On the subject of automotive lighting, I have to know what I'm talking about, otherwise I'm out of a job in a hurry. But there will always be those who want to argue, usually for one or more of the following reasons:

• They mistakenly think they understand something they saw/heard/read — an advertisement or an internet forum discussion or something like that.

• They want their advice to be taken because it makes them feel authoritative and important.

• They spent a whack of money, time, and/or effort on doing something a certain way and they don't know enough to understand what's wrong with it, but they're bound and determined to feel good about their investment (the Slick-50 effect: "Of course it runs better and gets better mileage; I just spent $49.95 on a bottle of Slick-50!").

• They resent the guy who always seems to give the answer that turns out to be right (this is a real sticky one…if you make a habit of keeping yer mouth shut unless you actually, really know the answer, you get simultaneous reputations as a go-to guy and as a know-it-all).

• Sour grapes: they got caught out giving bad advice and now have a permanent hate-on for the guy whose answer actually worked in that totally trivial case a long time ago, so now they follow 'im around bіtching and moaning about 'im and trying to find something to pounce on in one of his posts.

Please show me at what point I "argued" with anything you stated. I merely posted the mods I performed on my car. I understand the implications of what I've done. I have a problem with your method of delivery - pretty much self-indulgent, condescending post after post is your MO. I'm not a child, and have never challenged your knowledge on the subject. And while I don;t claim to be a lighting engineer of any sort, I have done a fair bit of research and understand the mods. I understand the housings aren't designed for HID, I understand I changed my signals to LED, I understand that my running lights no longer function as originally designed. While I don't question you knowledge on the subject, I find it extremely hard to believe that you can immediately ascertain that the new LED signals are not up to the job, when you have no knowledge of the exact positioning of the lights in relation to the original signals, no knowledge of the light output, no knowledge of the number of LEDs in each signal, yet you automatically accuse me of playing with "toys" and insinuate that I have the mentality of a child.

In regard to the topic of the thread, I answered it CORRECTLY, on page #1, and went as far as taking the time to dig up schematics and identify the exact terminals that would need modification. You came along in your usual arrogant manner and not only do you disregard it, but you take it a step further to attack me oh so subliminally by essentially calling me an "***" in you first retort. Funny thing is your answer to the OP's question was already answered, by me, and you disregarded it and start your post with an insult to pretty much every prior posters' response with your "a LOT of tail chasing" comment.

Again - a point that you previously ignored - this is an automotive forum. You'll find that the majority of members do various mods to their car that can affect the performance from what the original manufacturer intended. LOTS of these mods can affect safety, yet they are accepted. Do you really thing that every member that modifies their brakes and suspension are certified mechanics? Don't you think all these parts that are advertised as "off-road use only" have the potential to affect the reliability and safety for the worse? Why is it then that I need to be a "Automotive Lighting Engineer" to have even a basic understanding of the impact of lighting mods?

The fact is that your bullet-point summary of "stupid" posters that DARE offer their opinion on the subject is just further proof that YOU are the arrogant know-it-all constantly trying to be recognized as the end-all be-all on the topic. It's your ego that needs constant reassurance that the rest of us are just a bunch of child-like idiots.

I get it, you don't like the HIDs, the issues they MAY potentially cause on the roads, and above all, you don;t like someone that has a different opinion from your own. But we don't need constant lectures from and old fuddy-duddy curmudgeon like yourself every time you may disagree with what another ADULT on the board may have done.

And for 68formulaS340 - I'd expect no less from you. You never miss an opportunity to critique and attack other members of this forum. you're a miserable prick - always have been and always will be. In the 6 or so years that i have frequented this board, I can't honestly recall a single post of yours that wasn't an attack or some condescending comment. Your opinion means nothing to me.

That's pretty much all i have to say on the subject - for all that look at this thread for answers, i hope I helped answer them on page one - a long time before the two know-it-alls found the thread.