Gas boiling

I appreciate all the advise and plan to add the 1/4 inch spacer this week, time is a factor. I need to get the lady cleaned up for the Southeast NSRA show, 14-16 Oct. and I don't want to start something I can't finish. I have this knack to turn a 10 minute project into a week long ordeal. There are a few other small problems that need attention and I think I would rather tackle them at one time rather than piece meal. I was also told that I need to jet the carb down as it is running a little rich. It has 72 in it now and it was sugested I drop a couple of sizes, I am not even sure how or why to do this. But as I stated in the first post, I am mechanically stupid and I seek help from people who know what to do. I need to find on site help and that is getting hard to do. I will keep you updated as I get things done.

Thanks to all of you.