Progress report...
In my eyes wheelies kill E.T. ! You don't see ProStock with the wheels in the air! Wheelies are for the crowd! You can talk to any of the True Ten Five guys and they will tell you the same. 6 inches in the air is all I ever let my cars get. More pinion angle kept the front down.
The two guys I quoted, both keep meticulous notes on their cars' performances. Both of them say the same thing; the higher the front end goes, the better the e.t.
I'm not making this up.... I couldn't.
I understand what you're saying about the Pro Stockers, but those cars have a totally different set of parameters than these Stock and Super Stock cars. For one thing, the tires are completely different, and hook like nothing a Stocker or Super Stocker ever had access to. Maybe the Stock and S/S cars
NEED to get 100-percent of their weight on those tires and
keep it there for a few seconds, just to get the
hook necessary for the good 60-foot times they strive for.
I don't know; all I know is what they tell me.:!:
I dunno; you make a really god argument; but that scenario doesn't work for there "class" cars... They seem to NEED that altitude...