drew a blank - keys please?????

I would like to get a key cut to fit the door lock on my '63 Valiant.
I looked on Epay and there's blanks for every Valiant (it seems) but not '63.

Sure would be grateful if someone could point me to '63 Valiant key blanks, please?????

Thanks if you can help.

I got mine off feebay for a 64, are they the same?

Local locksmith orders blanks too.

I even have a local mom/pop hardware store and have found blanks there too. Sadly they are getting ready to close. Stopped in yesterday and there were quite a few mopar blanks there at $1.50 each. I'm going back soon to wipe out their inventory. I'll take my 64 keys in with me to see if I can score for ya. Should be going today or tomorrow.
