Who Makes Cams
Yeah,but you won't sell me your Exhaust Manifold !!:sad11:
You probably don't need it.
When that header was built, we didn't think things though very well; we were too steeped in the tradion of conventional header design as it applies to naturally-aspirated engines.
In the year that followed, I got to thinking about the tremendous amount of surface area those six pipes exhibit, and the egregious amount of HEAT radiating from them, especially, under boost!
I began to wonder whether we may have shot ourselves in the foot with this pretty, but maybe, performance-killing piece of metallic art.
The jury is still out.
The guy who coated it said, unequivocally, do NOT wrap this header. He contended that it would split welds, damage the coating, and generally raise hell with the integrity of the whole thing.
So, what are the alternatives?
They say that simply attaching a turbo to the stock exhaust manifold's outlet, will inevitably cause the manifold to crack.
The accepted "fix" (prevention of cracks) is to attach an elbow (90-degrees?) to the manifold outlet, support the turbo externally, and attach it to the elbow.
So how can this stock manifold flow well enough to deal with all that exhaust created by 25+ pounds of boost???
Well, that's the $64,000 qquestion, but for sure, that stock exhaust manifold won't be radiating the kind (amount) of BTU's (heat) that the 6-runner header will...
Down the road, I hope to learn the answer to all that...
But, for now, we'll use that header because Freddie and I spent about a thousand bucks (no kidding) on it... really, and Freddie spent countless hours fabrcating it.
Here is a picture of the item in question...