Rimblow wheel questions

AdamR - I had thought of pulling it off and putting on a different factory wheel, but I would kind of like to see if I could get this one working. I guess the car was a fairly optioned out car so would be a bit of a novelty to get it working and have it on the car. If I can't get it going I may still swap it.

I have seen some wheels for sale that went for big bucks. Surprised me. Most seem to have a fish horn emblem though instead on the centre.

7demon2 - Yes, car is a Citron Yella car. Previous owner painted the outside a cream yellow colour at Macco. Not a good job as it is chipping down to the original colour. Door jambs, trunk interior, under hood is still the original colour though. Would like to see if I can build a plastic media blaster out of an old blast cabinet gun and maybe strip it back so I can put decent paint on it back to the original colour. From where the previous owner has started to sand off the paint to take the body side molding off on the one side you can see there are four layers of paint on it. The original, then the cream yellow one, then lime and then the cream yellow again. Got receipts for two Macco paint jobs with the car. Appears what happened was he had the car for a long time, painted it the cream yellow colour, a few years later it needed a repaint so he went in and told them to paint it GoGreen (?). Don't remember the Mopar paint name, but it is that bright lime colour. He thought that is what the original colour was called. When he went to pick it up he realized it was not the right colour and the said his wife hated it so they had Macco turn right around and paint it back to the cream yellow. Makes for thick paint on the car. Hopefully I can get it stripped of and have the original colour back on it again.