**Twin Turbo 67 Dart Project**

how much is that gorgeous setup gonna run you? Walbro is some good stuff

Well lets see.....

3 Walbro pumps for $302.70

2-Fuel Blocks $110.00

6 - 10an oringed to 6an male 9.97 x 6= $59.82
6- 1/4 to 6an male 3.82 x 6= $22.92
6- 6an to 6an female couplers 7.49 x6= $44.94
3- 10an oringed to 10an male 10.92 x 3= $32.76

20' 10an braided line 5.12 per foot = $102.40
15' 8an braided line 4.22 per foot = $63.3

So around $750.00 , it is common to spend around 1K for a good fuel system. I still need filters and misc stuff to this list so by the time it is over about $900.00 or so Total.

I have most of the other fittings I need that are 10an.

I buy all my fittings and hose from this guy here, hard to find a better price and free shipping and no tax.... I call and place the order, it always shows up in 1 or 2 days max.