Are our Slants "Unsafe"?

2003 buick rearended me in my sons duster....the duster has some minor rust issues around the taillights....bent the exhaust system,bent the rear bumper and brackets and small dent in the center of the taillight panel.......6400$ to repair the buick not including the airbag since it never went off...i'm guessing the buick was doing about 15 mph when it hit had anti lock brakes....that stuff dont work on a damp road or on gravel or on snow or on dust it's all crapp them smart cars that bounce off everything instead of folding will kill a person instantly and if it not from the first impact it'll be from whatever it bounces into next like oncoming traffic or over a cliff or down an wont catch me drivin them boxes of junk and them scion things should come in cardboard color.....just slap a ups label on it and send it back to where it came from and the rest of them foreign cars can go too, just my opinion