Dying a dash pad???????

I have used "Mopaints" interior dye with much success over the years. The very friendly gentleman who runs/ran the booth at the Mopar Nats every year was very knowladgeable about interior dying and colors, and he should have been, he worked in the interior parts division when your very car was coming down the line!!!I haven't seen him at the Nats the last couple years, but I have seen reference to his company online.

I have gone from a lighter color to a darker color many times with very satisfactory results. I have also redone correct factory color pads with much success. Just remember that the pad must be CLEAN, and I mean CLEAN before redying, and if it has ever been treated with a silicone based product such as Armor All, good luck getting it clean enough for it to take. Laquer thinner usually works the best when cleaning most pads.

Good luck with your project, Geof