What's my Dart Worth?

More advice.

Your ad screams desparation. It's a 47 year old car. People expect some warts. You need to emphasize the positives and get rid of the negatives. You can share all that stuff if they call, but you want them to call.

Is the car solid? How are the floor boards and the rear quarters? If the car is solid, you need to emphasize that. Being originally from Pennsylvania, a solid California car is an amazing thing.

I think this hits the nail on the head
I love early darts, but after reading your add I wouldn't hurry to go look at it
the problem isn't the car, it's the add
remember you are trying to SELL it, not discourage perspective buyers from calling, fix the small things and re write the add on a more upbeat note, example

"drum brakes are good (one is sticking a bit)"
HUGE RED FLAG to anyone thinking about buying your car FIX IT!

Cracking leather on top of rear seat from sun exposure
-Paint job isn't the best
-door panels are a bit of an eye sore compared to new seats
-turn signals just stopped working (Don't feel like fixing)

no one expects perfect seats on an old car pointing out minor flaws only hurts you
paint job isn't bad either try "nice red paint, not perfect but good for a driver"

it has door panels, no need to mention them

FIX the turn signals, not working is another HUGE RED FLAG, and saying you don't feel like fixing them makes you look like you don't care about the car, and nothing can turn off a buyer more than a seller who doesn't care about what he is selling