Need some advice on parting out

When you say, "minus the shell," what does that mean? Are they leaving you the complete, rolling chassis, or do they expect the front suspension and brakes, and the rear end, too?

Honestly, most of the parts you list are worth about 20-100 bucks each, except the radiator, which is probably the most valuable part on the car.

The harnesses will not pass tech.

There are too many variables and questions about the car to get what you think it's worth, and parting it out for what you want to get is going to be even harder. You live in the middle of nowhere, trust me, I know. You may be able to sell a few parts off of it right away, but seeling all of the parts will be a challenge.

Your best bet is to sell the car whole, and for a price people are willing to spend on an unknown commodity.

The two main things you need in order to sell a car right now are a realistic price, and patience. If you have less of number two, the lower number one needs to be.

You change your mind about 15 times a day. No one will want to do business with someone that's a continually moving target. You bit off more than you can chew. The car is not gold plated. It's a $5000 car in a small market. If you were closer to most of the members, you would have an easier time selling it. Unfortunately, you're in Missoula, selling it during the wrong time of year, and appear desperate.

I'm not trying to be mean, but you asked for advice. It's just some tough love.