DIY quality paint job

it most certainly is possible to get a show quality paintjob in your garage...plenty of magazine cars built by thier owners and painted in thier garage! Best part get the pride of saying it was all you.! practice on some old sheeetmetal or unseen interior panels 1st!. Then as every painter has ever told me..the prep is 90%of the deal! Do all of your steps, to the best of your ability...not good enough...the best you got, no matter how much time you have to put in it! It is your car after all, you will find plenty of painters that will only give you "what you paid for, or good enough." Going thru that right now with my own car, got the fenders back from the body shop primed, and trimmed in color. Well the unseen side of the fender and the headlight bucket area arent what I wanted or would have done. The price is good, but I wanted better...may end up redoing it myself next my brother in laws garage! Then when it is all done, make sure you have enough paint on it to sand and rub out...that is a job to potentially pay someone to do. At least I will. Go for it, give it your all, and when it is finished walk around like King Dingaling, knowing that car is all you!!!! Keep us posted, and share tons of pics...we all want to see you do it!