Are our Slants "Unsafe"?

Lets look at it from a logical prespective.

Excellent idea. There's a gross shortage of logic and a gross excess of magical thinking in this thread.

Our cars were designed and build when there were WAAAY less cars on the road.

Way fewer cars -- correct.

Traffic was a lot less

Also correct.

and the injury stats werent very high because of that.

INcorrect. Traffic injury and fatality rates were much higher back in the "good" ol' days, even though fewer people were driving fewer cars fewer miles.

But now your driving your old car in a modern envirnment,one where the other cars are vastly superior in the braking and handling departments.

...not to mention the crash-avoidance department (lights, mirrors, etc.)

Not likely you'll be able to "drive" your way out of a predicament,and because your older car has what I'd call a "hard" interior your going to be VERY injured.

Quite correct.

Not to mention your chances of staying aware through an accident are pretty low,because you will likely whack your head. Now it's likey while your passed out,your old car will continue without you and likely injure a third party. Who in all likelyhood will sue your *** off..

…if s/he survives. Exactly right.