Life's most embarrassing car moments

In 1968 My Buddy and I lost our driver's license because of too many speeding tickets and We had to go to traffic school to get a few points taken off so We could Drive. We were issued a provisional license that let US travel to work and driver's school.

My Pal had just bought a 68 barracuda fastback with 340/4 speed and He drove US to school that night. After school He offered the car to Me to drive home and I quickly accepted.

About two miles from home, on a main road, a 66 chevelle pulls alongside and rev's it up a bit. I look over at My Buddy and He looks at Me nervously and says..."don't do it"...."please don't do it"...I look at Him and state "I have to defend the honor of this car' Light turns green..both cars jump and I'm riding high as I got the chevelle out of the hole and earn a two car lead. Hit second..hit third.....and all of a sudden the car lights up red and a familiar siren is heard. My Pal starts screeming incoherently that we're going to jail...His car is being confiscated....way out of control. So I pull over.

Cop comes to the window, both our heads are looking at the floor, and He asks for My license. I look at Him and explain that I don't have one and are just returning from "driving court". He raises His voice and starts yelling about what a jerk I am and how I have no respect for speed limits and His face is turning red but He stalls and says very quietly, "ok, let Your Pal drive home" I look Him straight in the eyes and sheepishly say, "he don't have a license either" All betwen this My Pal is mumbling,"We're going to jail, We're going to jail "

I think If He could of legally shot both of US He would have. He's shaking His head,scratching His hair and looking at the heavens for an answer. Finally says "kid, if I catch You EVER driving over the speed limit again, I'll hang You Myself,now get out of here ! "

Classy Cop and mopar honor stayed in tact for another night.