Ripped off

I'm not going to elaborate on this incident....I do not have time to make this S--t up....some of you obiviously have had problems with this guy...As far as Paypal is concerned, they want me to remove the carb & send it back down to Ga.....yeah right! That's what I'm gonna do....remove a great running carb & send it back down to a guy who screwed me over with a month & 1/2 wait only to find out it was a waste......John, If I were you, I would re-think that choice buddy....Demon Sizzler had more than enough oppurtunity to make this right, he failed to take the necessary steps even after I emailed him this exact post......At this point I most definatley do not care what he post or when he post's it.....apparently the man cares nothing of his reputation or he would have responded to my first of 4 phone calls & numerous emails.....You guy's have been warned and I'm done! D