She's LUMP! Restore or Part/Scrap? FABO Help!

:happy1: I knew once ya got ABB and the Lexter out there to help ya, you would have a plan. You are pretty darn close on that door, bet you'll have it tweaked tomorrow.:coffee2:

ABB looks good wearing that Metro!!! :flower: My son has had a couple of those Metros, they get close to 50 mpg but have inherent problems with I believe the lower control arms rusting. I am guessing that is where you are going to add metal and weld it . . . lol!! :thumbrig:

Thanks for the congrats for my great grandaughter . . . dam I'm old lmao!!! :sleepy2:

Tell ABB hey and give Lex a wet sloppy kiss!!:hello2:

Take care, Rog