I got the call today

To all I know what the official rules say on the website they are on the application you sign , I asked the question of my fellow BC members because there has been a lot of talk about changes to those rules . The process is really pretty painless , take lots of pictures , write on the back an explanation of anything they might question , I have a strobe stripe on my car so I wrote that the stripe on the car is a Plymouth specific era correct stripe found on many different models in several forms and that I would gladly remove the stripe if it was the reason for a denial , the rules say your supposed to maintain the correct number of barrels carb on the car but I have a pie plate that says 318 4bbl indicating a 4bbl upgrade which was a period upgrade so they accepted my app . the app is 2 pages yoiu need 7 pictures but really it's worth sending more , I sent 12 including one showing the back of the car with the car parked in my garage , the car must be garage kept to qualify so I made sure they had a pic that showed it in there question answered before asked , just the way civil servants like it .
PS I will update tomorrow when I go in and sign the insurance papers but the reason for getting the plates here in BC is the cost of insurance , this province will not give a second vehicle discount ,even tho I am the only driver in my household I still have to pay full rates for both my auto policies , collectors insurance runs about $200 a year in fact I know someone who paid $192 last year compared to nearly $700 a year I pay now since they would not give me my safe driving from Ontario when i moved here and I am re-earning my discount at 5% a year for the past 6 years now -Thanks ICBC .