I got the call today

first I can drive the snot out of my barracuda I just can't drive it to work , $400 a year compared to $791 a year with "no agreed upon value" policy ,they don't issue them for daily drivers it's a special addition policy only available for special cars so if I had a bad wreck or the car was stolen under regular insurance you have to fight over the value of a 42 year old car -good luck on that one , second in BC we have provincial insurance known by the name of the crown corp as ICBC {we have third party insurers but they don't deal in anything older than 20 years which both my cars are}and ICBC doe's not give second vehicle discounts ,I have a perfect driving record with no claims or tickets in Canada ever and I am 48 years old so you do the math , I currently only get a 30% safe driver discount because ICBC screwed me around when I moved here for a long enough period of time that they refused to credit it me with the 9 star rating {which is as good as it gets} I had in Ontario so I've had to rebuild my discount 5% per year for the last 6 years and believe me after that I have given them crap and fought with them over tyhe second car thing every time I renew the policy on one of my 2 cars , so to sum up it is worth doing because I cut my premiums in half and gained a guaranteed value should the worst happen -A value I might add that I could never get from selling my car but should be enough to actually buy another fully restored one {maybe 2 restored cars in this market} try doing that with your insurer.

PS my collector plates are -get this B23 273 guess I got to go find a 273 notchback to swap them on to eh!