1973 225 valve adjustment help!please!

It will roughen the idle, yes.

Usually not. But that reminds me, yet another reason to do it running is that you can take a look and see if the top end is oiling properly. You should get a good ooze/dribble of oil out the tip of each rocker arm. If some or all of them aren't oiling, it means you'll want to remove, disassemble, and clean the rocker assembly—also covered in the previously-linked post. If the rear is oiling but the front is not, it's usually because the rocker shaft has been installed wrong way round and/or upside down. There's a small flat ground on one edge of one end of the shaft; this is to be installed top-front. In the mid-1970s, the shaft and the rearmost bolt were altered to prevent misassembly, but earlier pieces require a careful eye.

Well, different goals will tend to produce different advice. Those who have the goal of helping you learn to do the best possible valve adjustment on a slant-6 will tend to give certain kinds of advice. Those who have a goal of slagging other board members may tend to give contrary advice, which may not even be based on much of any actual slant-6 experience, because they have higher priorities than helping you achieve the best result on your slant-6. Take a careful look at the tones of voice and the amounts of slant-6 experience reflected in each answer you receive and use what you see to decide how much faith to put in each poster's advice.
i have two more questions for you... and that is ,does a slant usually have a slight lope at idle with a stock cam or is it all in the timing or could it be the timing chain has stretched and throwing the timing off? in other words should it be a straight smooth idle or do i need to advance the timing a few degrees? and i cant seem to find or reach the distributor hold down bolt . man it is really crampt on the right side of the engine for sure. and thanks again for your help and advice -