The official vent thread

One thing I see people do here sometimes is being quick to jump on someone and then others gang up. You never know what that person is going through. If you want to help, great, otherwise keep comments to yourselves. Not long ago, this happened to a member, turned out his son had just passed away. You never know when you might be kicking someone when they're down.

I hear ya.
About that member,I sent him a 74 dart engine harness free and paid the freight also...Did not even get a Thank You....

seriously ? i mean WOW ! i would have been forever grateful.thats unbelievable that there are such good people out there that would help someone out like that and not even get a THANK YOU! . i would have been pissed, and not over the money factor but over the ungratefullness of the individual . that upset me just reading that S%^T !!

No offense guys but your posts are a perfect example of what I was venting about. We don't know the circumstances of said member. Unless we are in another's shoes we should not judge. Maybe the engine harness you sent wasn't exactly free, if you expected a thank you in return.