The official vent thread

hay DD im a clown now huh Get it right im a back woods redneck thank u very much .... now that we got that out of the way would u rather get into pissing machies hmmmm?... Or make fart jokes thats an ez one for me i didnt come on here to fight i came on here to help and have fun man i hope thats what u came here to do lol now dont take any of this a bad way man i was not mint that way
I agree with you on this Dart Doctor. Which leads me to my Vent...I wish people would not point out problems without supplying their solution. For example: in another post someone accused me of typing the word "Carby" Which I didn't do I wrote Carb(No Y on the end). Either way, They never offered up the correct abbreviation. This to me is a serious character flaw. To just go around pointing out others mistakes without offering advice or help is just anti-social behavior IMO. Like The older truckers I meet on the road always criticizing rookies but never offering any advice. Nasty old grumps is what I perceive them as. I am far from perfect, I'm Just a Bass player trying to make ends meet by training truck drivers and driving as well. But.... I always try to be constructive and not just critical. So many people need an education on how to talk/type/text to other people in a respectful fashion. Just my 2 Cents.