The official vent thread

I hear ya.
About that member,I sent him a 74 dart engine harness free and paid the freight also...Did not even get a Thank You....

TXDart, my wife died when she was 34 and I was 35. I was in a fog for about a year. Grief can do that to a person. In that time, I received the help and generosity of many people as I was trying to adjust to raising 8 and 4 year old daughters alone. After the fog gradually went away, I began to realize that there were some people who did acts of kindness or charity for me that I didn't thank at the time. I sought them out and expressed my gratitude even though it was 1 to 2 years after their help.

Maybe he will eventually realize what you did for him and seek you out to thank you. Maybe he won't.

In any case, please know that what you did for him was an act of kindness from your heart for someone who is grieving.

Thank you.