The official vent thread

OK, here is my vent.

I can't stand this forum.

There are way too many interesting, irritating, humourous, knowledgeable, pathetic, energetic, old, young, middle-aged, wise, or generous members who are regular contributors. I find myself surfing FABO so much that I haven't wrenched on either of my cars for about two months now. I seem to go online to "check out a few things" before I go to the garage and when I do get off of my butt, it is too late to get started because I have to do something else like eat, sleep, use the bathroom, shower, run an errand, etc.

This is worse than when I used to spend hours in chat rooms on old AOL.

I even have been caught at work spending time on FABO instead of doing my job.

You guys better cool it or I will get fired!!!
X2 on that,I put myself on restriction last two weeks and slipped and gave in yesterday...I am at work and only got 2 more deposit to finish but here I am......
Logging off,