Crazy idea for 318

Rumble, since when does building an engine to do a certain thing require a timeslip??

I don't know, but, however, you went down the path of shoving it up my kazoo. Trying to at least. You started to pound your chest on doing something and questioning what I have done/been doing. That quote is below.

OH, in fraction there as well.

I am out there doing the **** I talk, how about you?

When have I ever talked about going to the track?

Don't know where you pulled that out of, ohhh from your bag of crap you carry everywhere with you.

The only bag of crap is you. And here you are starting in with me yet again and not dropping the problem but only pushing the envelope and smearing the issue at hand into something that is not part of the OP question.

The rest of Mad Darts reply has been edited for vulgarity and has earned himself a warning.