**Twin Turbo 67 Dart Project**
I went out to the Machine Shop today and picked up what I need to build the Crank Trigger.
I found some other issues that I needed to investigate. The Distributor Backing Plate that holds the Sensors is loose and wobbly. I checked a standard distributor and it was solid as a rock. The slop to me is pretty bad when wiggling the backing plate with 2 fingers it will move the sensor away form the trigger at least 1/8 ", it is a concern that I have and also the pick up wire Sheathing is split, it was this way from when I bought it used. Also I looked at the cap really good and the protector that goes on the back of the Pin inside the distributor is missing on a few pins and other are chipped off. It looks like the spark was jumping to the edge of the pin in the cap right on the edge and it just Melted the back of the protector away. I can see nothing in the distributor itself so I don't know where the stuff went.
If this is the case and the cap got progressivly worse as we went on, could this be why it had a miss?? IDK ??
Could the backing plate slop cause a sperratic miss?? IDK ??
Going to call Fast in the morning and see if that backing plate is supposed to move at all. I would think not, but again...... IDK??
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmmdJkT4ggQ"]Fast Dual Sync Dizzy Slop - YouTube[/ame]
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