Kyle Busch

Is there an f-ing difference between a ford, chevy, or mopar in NASCAR?

NASCAR specifies a wedge motor, four barrel carb, flat tappet cam.. etc. Are there any REAL differences?


How about the Cars, they all use the EXACT same chassis. They all use the EXACT same Body.

From NASCAR, NHRA, IRL, to F1 they have all developed rules that over time have turned every car to be exactly the same. Automotive race technology development has stagnated.

Good rant. Not only that, they make it so the "little guy" can't get into it anymore. In the video "Petty Blue" they interview Lee Petty and he said when NASCAR started, he could go to a dealer and buy a Plymouth for $800, do a few modifications and win a race with it. Not anymore, you need millions to compete today and can't do it without sponsors.

Same in NHRA. You need millions and sponsors just to compete out there. Not like the "good ol days" when Don Garlits and Shirley Muldowney would race the "family car" and work their way up through the ranks as they won.

Yes, just like congress, racing is now bought off by corporate America and the little guy has been pushed out.... :wack: