Kyle Busch

Long time NASCAR fan here and still am. NASCAR has been going through drastic changes over years. More or less here in recent years. Its like most things... one stays the same but the other changes. NASCAR has took a hit because of the economy. The last race at Talladega people was talking like they will not be able to afford to come to the next race. Matter a fact my friends and I didn't make it!! They also have made changes that I believe is trying to lure in more fans but all have backfired. Like "the car of tomorrow" I knew that wasn't going to last long.

Also anyone that says something "is gay" most likely would hold one in his mouth in a skinny minute. Its just fact.... kind of like the old saying " the smeller is the feller" see what I'm talking about.

What made NASCAR more fun is my mom and I bet on the race. We each pull two drivers out of the hat. There is 10 numbers in hat and those are the lineup of each race before the race starts. Whichever driver comes in closes to the front wins $10. This has made the races so much fun to watch or listen too. Mom and I get a couple of laughs about our drivers getting knocked out of race, my driver came in right behind hers, etc... I stuck a extra number in the hat with a smiley face on it..... if that gets pulled you get three drivers for the weekend instead of two.