Kyle Busch

Your good Mike, nothing wrong with what you posted. This just rubbed me the wrong way. A man dies and people say "thats what he deserved". I heard it back right after it happened from all the #3 haters. Nobody deserves to die from being a hard racer. Heck, I thought Dan Weldon was a little prick but I dont feel like he deserved to die because of it. Some people just gave themselves some real bad KARMA for thier ignorant comments. Be carefull out driving today and I hope nothing happens to saden YOUR families.

Thank you Noel, and you be careful out there to :glasses7:
I have been out already this morning and I hope everyone stays clear of all the folks out there on there phones , putting make up on (i seen this this morning) a lady was approaching a hill and was in the middle of the road putting make up on :angry7: I backed off just in case!! Lucky no one was coming over the top of the hill at 55 mph... :wack:
I just got back, I seen this in the ditch on my way back home this morning and took a picture for you :pirate: