**Twin Turbo 67 Dart Project**

Mad Dart;
That information sounds like it is in line with what you were already thinking. Have you been able to locate the parts you need? What distributor are you going to use? Since you are retaining the distributor for the cam signal are you going to use a single coil and plug wires or are you going to try COP?

Yes I ordered all the parts. The 36:1 Wheel Should be here in about 5 Days. I will be using a MOPAR Lean Burn Dizzy, it has a VR sensor built into it. It should be here in 2 Days. From Talking to the MS Tuner he says I need to be careful because the signal sometimes can be week with the VR Sensor. He Recommends Setting the Gap to the Wheel Really Tight so this does not happen. I also purchased a Hall sensor that I can Mod Into the Lean Burn Dizzy so I will have 2 options for the Cam Signal if I need to switch it around.

I havent made my mind up yet on the Single Coil or COP. Still tossing that one around.