Kyle Busch

Don't think anyone said he DESERVED it. He died doing what he would have spun someone else into the wall for, blocking. Seems the drivers today are able to use strategy and drive AROUND people, whereas Sr. just drove through them. The King himself said in an interview that Dale was just an okay driver. I think if anyone has room to talk, it would be R.P. He also said the competition at the time wasn't very strong.
His death was tragic for his family and his followers. Noone tried to diminish or downplay that.
absoloutely. i never said he deserved to die ,i would not wish that on very many and certianly not a race car driver. flip the script once and put sterling marlin in dales position and had dale put #40 in the wall and killed him, people would still be talking about how great dale is and that sterling marlin had it coming because he was driving too slow ? dale went out of his way to block, to run up the back of selected drivers and put them in the wall and sterling marlin was only trying to get dale out of his way because he was driving to slow... whats good for the goose is good for the gander...