1961 lancer: st. louis---> cincinnati

i thought I had a picture of the vacuum controlled -- heater switch. i would spray some wd-40-- or similar-- the plastic is probably stuck-- spiders/bugs/ etc-- also if you have an air compresser-- just forcing air around the buttons sometimes helps.
start with the spray lube first,( do not use carb cleaner-- or brake kleen) Lawrence
thanks for the tip. i'll try that tomorrow.

thanks everyone for the support....i'm pretty geeked really. my car knowledge and experience is pretty spotty but i hope to figure some things out along the way.
however, i think one of the first things i need to do is check the brakes and that has me a little freaked out. there is a lot of pedal there and the master cylinder is wet on the outside at the bottom.....might need to enlist my uncle to help on that one.

also- what is the difference between the 170 and 770? trim?
also, also- is there a thread already about BASIC stuff concerning lancers?