guy yelled at for driving big gas hog truck (lol)
1.) I cant believe her sperm cell was the fastest out of her dads dingle doo the way she looked
2.) Dont cuss infront of the damn kids. how can you rant and rave about that infront of little girl like that.
3.) Hybrids as nice as they are....are terrible for the environment dumb *****. They run on batteries doesnt burn oil OOOOO AHHHHH. But theres your problem right there. The equipment used to mine all of those battery parts are diesel. when they ship them to tokyo or china wherever the hell they go. What do they use? :) oh yeah a nice big boat. And im sure those arent the healthiest things to mother nature. Then they get shipped back. Oh and wait. They cant even decompose? go ahead ma'am. you keep on with your "eco friendly" car.
4.) I woulda kept revving it up as she talked.