guy yelled at for driving big gas hog truck (lol)

You are wrong sir, newer diesel is actuayour better. your gas engine is most likely polluting more, ever notice why diesels didn't require cats till what, around 2006 or was it 08? Also the recent addition of low sulfur and biodiesel now make current diesels just as envio-friendly. Not to mention diesel gets way better mpg than a comparable gas motor.

True, however if your seeing black smoke when the pedal is mashed likely someone is running a dirty program,bigger injectors etc. For the most part todays diesels run as clean, or cleaner than the comparable gas engine, add they fact that they get better mileage, overall they are burning/emmitting less for more :

Gasoline vs. Diesel
It turns out that gasoline is more volatile than diesel, not because of what its base consists of, but because of the additives it contains. In addition, vehicles that use diesel tend to be more fuel-efficient and produce less greenhouse gases. In that respect, diesel is more environmentally friendly. Diesel actually produces 15% more in greenhouse gases than gasoline when compared by the litre rather than the gallon. Yet it is through the 20-40% improvement in fuel economy over gasoline that offsets the higher emissions per litre. In actuality, the carbon dioxide emissions are considerably less than gasoline, but diesel does contain 2,778 grams of carbon per gallon, whereas gasoline contains 2,421 grams per gallon. But, again, it is the fuel economy of diesel that accounts for the smaller rate of carbon emissions.

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I apologize. I love my Diesel Ram
