My 71 Duster Project

Well, I got the car all loaded up on the trailer and took it over to the paint booth today. After I got there, the owner told me he was having problems with the climate control/ventilation system and that I was not going to be able to use it. One of my buddies was with me and saw how mad I was and offered up his place to shoot primer since this is the second weekend in a row we have had issues with the booth. So we ended up towing the car over there and got it in this makeshift garage he built. We got the car all taped off, and wiped down, but it started getting cold on us so we had to call it a night. Tomorrow morning I am heading over there and we are going to light off two propane heater cannons to get the garage to temp and then shoot primer. As far as the color goes in the engine bay, if we cant shoot it this weekend due to the weather, then we are going to take a long lunch during work next week to do it. Here are some pictures from today.