House Hunting!

My fingers, toes, eyes and everything else are crampin' up from keeping 'em crossed! Tell him to hurry up with that positive decision already. They know they're going to say 'yes' so get to it!

Damn straight! I'm ready to get down to brass tacks here...

Yeah sounds like you going to get a yes plus they are going have to pay you for the plumbing (deduct it out of the price). More of "a deal" you make of the plumbing the more money you will get. lol Its true.

They had one deal fall through for 220K because of the plumbing 4 years back, they took it off the market for a while then put it up for 195K... That deal fell through because of the PB plumbing. Now she's down to 180K and I offered quite a bit less than that. :mrgreen: Plumbing really isn't that hard as long as the fixtures are less than 30 years old and this house was built in '99.

I figure I could do one bathroom one weekend, another the next, then the kitchen, and set it up for a sprinkler system while I was at it (I had planned on setting up a sprinkler system anyway...). I 'aint skeered off yet...

As long as this place isn't built on an old indian burial ground or over some sinkhole with a collapsing foundation, I'm ready to roll on this house. Now, if the yard service line (connection to city water) turns out to be PB, they will have to pay.. I've dug a fair amount of ditches in my life and it sucks.