My Dog Drank My Choc Milk!

What a beautiful dobie he is too! A friend in HS had one and he was a very intelligent dog, plus they just have that bat dog look that is just too cool! :batman: I mean really, who'd be dumb enough to muck with your stuff after seeing Mack?

Funny about the steak! Both my Bratwiellers got up on the outdoor table and snagged three bratwurst at a home BBQ when I went in the house to grab more beer. I asked why they didn't stop them, lol.

Because nobody but their owner likes getting in between a wicked looking dog and his food :D

Love rotts too, they've got the same batdog look going on only they've got the stockiness too!
Love the look of a dobie, its the only dog i've ever had or been around that everyone asks if they can pet first :snakeman: Gives Mack a chance to decide what he think of em too. Only had a couple people i have ever brought him around that he was "umm nope dad not happening" .one of em was when I sold "bio-hazard" the kid and his mom rubbed Mack the wrong way, couldnt calm him down, had to put him outside. funny thing is, the kid a week later nearly killed a woman and her kid in that car when he careened into em full tilt. Tell me that's not a great judge of character.