Water/Alcohol Injection

The only problem with toluene is that it will KILL you. This stuff is highly toxic. Look it up.

Bullshit. There is a percentage of toluene or xylene range hydrocarbons in gasoline.

Ever look at what is in a rattle can? A can of brake or carb cleaner?

Unless you plan to pour the toluene in a paper bag & huff it, it is no more dangerous than the gasoline in the tank already.

Methylene Chloride? yes, that would be more dangerous - in fact they banned it's use in consumer products in the EU last year. Still used in consumer products in the USA

2-Butoxyethanol ? Now there is some nasty stuff. the industrial exposure limit is 20 ppm that is 20 parts per million - yet I bet I can still find it used in some paint formulas, and a fuel injector cleaner.

Next time you are in the auto parts store, grab a can of Berryman's ChemTool, and read the label. Plenty of things far worse than toluene sitting on the shelf at AutoZone or Home Depot.

Sheesh. Toluene. Freaking chicks take their nail polish off with stronger solvents.
