Cam design limitations

there are to many headaches with the current company who makes them... not reliable, and have oiling issues...

slants have a 1.4 ratio stock so a 1.5 or 1.6 is plenty... if they were made lol...

but let me throw this into the mix... i have a Friend, he races drag bikes, mostly old kawi's... he has a 900 triple ( i think) with a turbo and No2... lol really... now he said the trick for a turbo motor is either run alot of lift and no duration or alot of duration and no lift... BUT when running no lift it makes the top end happier cuz it will last longer...

now being i havn't played with a turbo i dont know how you RPM range would if at all be affected but with boost i dont think it would matter...

P.S. he runs 60lbs in the kawi... i have vids of it but he asked me not to post them...


Are you aware that a 900 Kawi triple is a 2-stroke motor? (At least, every one I have seen is... But I haven't seen 'em all.)

Unless I;m dead wrong (ALWAYS a possibility) it doesn't HAVE a camshaft... Maybe it's a different engine...

Ther rpm thing is interesting. Both Ryan and Tom (the two guys I go to with questions, because their engines both run like the hammers of HELL) say taht 5500 is really streching it for these turbo motors. They just don't pull well after that.

So, it's a GOOD THING that their drag racing experience with these cars has shown them to run their best (60-foot, included) with a rear axle ratio of 2.76:1, because with a 5500 rom red line, they'd never make it to the finsh line on a quarter mile strip, with a 4.56 or a 4.88, like the V8 cars usually have.

Another odd bit about turbos... if your turbo /6 car is street driven; it "likes" a hiway gear, for everything. No swapping of third members, PLUS a cheap 8.25" unit is plenty strong, if you're replacing tht pesky (weak) 7.25" in the back.

Insofar as duration goes RE: turbos, my Buick buddies run 231 cubic in V-6's, some of them down into the nines, and they all run durations in the 208-210-degree range; seldom more. Now, I don't know whether what works for a V-6 works necessarily, for an inline six, but if they are virtually the same displacement, I would think so..... what do you think?

So, with such a short-duration cam, the drivability of these 500 HP engines is almost like a stocker.... 'til you mash the loud pedal... LOL!:cheers:

Ed, I asked you in another post where you thought I might get a roller cam, particularly one with the gear in the center. Maybe you didn't see that...

Can you tell me, please? I'd really appreciate it!

Thanks for any information...:profilel: