nos veterans help plz

It all depends on what the HP level is on your engine as it stands now, & is the pump able to keep up with the demand, Lets just say your at 425 HP, you shoot 100 through it, can the pump comfirtably feed 525 HP, I'm talking FWHP not RWHP, I'm sure the carter street/strip pump can feed a solid 450-475 HP with no issues, If your at 425-450 on that 408 i wouldn't trust it, I would run a deticated system, you won't be happy for long on 100, 150 feels pretty good, start off with a 125, either get a Mega pump & run 2 Regulators, one for the engine, the other for the plate, Those pumps will comfirtably feed 800-1000 HP, or run a seperate line & use a blue for the plate with reg. Even a red will supply the nitrous side.