**600hp sbm block limit? Or is it bs!!**

iv seen a block like that on the last page but it was a Chev junk ,but anyways it was a dirt engine and it ran the rev limiter a lot nowt I'm going to shoot a theory , now i think why thees engines fale a lot of guys run it on the rev limmiter at the line and its picking and choosing cylinder but the fuel never shots off on thoughts cylinders at lets say 5500 at the line and i think it and when you hit he trans break it gives it more rpm and pulling in more fuel and i think it kind like cylinder hydraulic hence broken rods and pistons what you think.???

Like has already been said, it beat up the bearing pretty good.

As far as a Hydo Lock, i can't see it.
lets pic a 340 with high compression and say the total volume in the combustion chamber, at top dead center (tdc) 64 cc.

64 cc of fuel, in One intake stroke, too one intake runner/cyl, would be A Lot of fuel.